Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Never work with children or animals...but working with child animals is great!

Having navigated my way to the Bristol Cats and Dogs home (despite my Sat Nav turning into an evil Jekyll/Hyde type persona of itself, and attempting to direct me in any number of illegal driving manoeuvres), I was very excited at the prospect of working with furry creatures for the first time in a studio and Tim Martin, of Eternal Photography (and not furry.) We had a great set up, including sheet on a table that was animal-proof.

First up were Zig and Zag, two adorable lop-eared rabbits. Adorability factor off the scale - and this little bunny was particularly co-operative (he's either Zig or Zag!)

Next up - kittens, and baubles. Again, the squee-factor was reaching dangerously high levels but they were also very biddable, and posed for Tim like naturals. We nicknamed them Skanky (the black one), Manky and Ginger.

"Too cute? Moi?"

For the dogs, we had two Staffordshire Terriers and a very fluffy/curly/Jack Russell cross. The Staffies were typical of the breed; very sweet and built like machines. Pictured below is Molly, a very loveable three-legged Staffie that was hugely exciteable, but I think just wanted to play.

Great fun, and I learnt a lot from the very talented Tim Martin. Particularly about animal photography; not least of which; bring lots of wet-wipes, and always have an industrial-sized bag of dog chocolate on hand!

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